"The blues ain't nothin' but a good man feelin' bad."
- Willie Brown
And all that man (or woman) needs to express a feeling is the human voice, an instrument and... well, nothing else really. Hear blues when it was young, the way it was meant to be shared among family, friends and neighbors, with only a guitar, mandolin, harmonica or fiddle between them and the listener. No electricity, no batteries, no cables required -- as portable as music gets.
I'm a songwriter who started out ages ago as a folksinger, but Blues became my favorite folk music by the early Seventies. A keen observer of life performing roots blues and original songs on acoustic guitar and bottleneck dobro, I often play with friends, occasionally joining in on a variety of acoustic instruments in the American tradition. We play with heart, humor and passion in a style designed to get your feet moving!
WA State Entrant (Solo/Duo)
2017 International Blues Challenge
Memphis, TN
...and my "Retro-Mod" acoustic roots-Blues duo, The RooTsters